Wilderness Trek

Be Transformed Through Outdoor Adventure


We Are Now Booking for 2025!


Escape the unhealthy noise, busyness, and stress of life to connect with the things that matter most . . . God, others, and yourself.

Find quiet and stillness to encounter a loving God and a living Savior in the untouched, raw beauty of the wilderness.

At Trek, we use the outdoors and adventure as a spiritual catalyst in order to help teens, young adults, families, groups, and leaders grow into the people God calls them to be. We introduce people from all walks of life and fitness levels to the wonders of God’s creation in order to help them deepen their faith and discover the true source of identity, belonging and purpose. 

We’ll handle the gear, the meals, the permits, all the details, . You just take that step . . . God will meet us there.

Group Treks

Group Treks are our 5-6 day backpacking adventures that we have offered since 1976. These Treks are perfect for helping any group grow in community, faith, and leadership. They are ideal for youth groups, churches, families, scout troops, sports teams, colleges, or any group of friends looking for an exciting adventure they won’t soon forget!


“I had the privilege of participating in one of your Colorado backpacking trips in the summer of 1996, and it remains one of my most treasured experiences. The memories made during that trip, especially alongside my dad, are something we often reflect on fondly. It was such a meaningful adventure for both of us, and we regularly reminisce about the amazing and hilarious time we spent on the trail together.

Thank you for organizing such life-changing experiences. The memories we made have lasted a lifetime, and I deeply appreciate it.”

                                                                                                                                       — Unsolicited email received on Sep 16, 2024

family adventures

Are you looking for a family backpacking trip or an outdoor adventure? We have those too! Our family outdoor adventure trips can include activities like backpacking, climbing, hiking, or rafting. Family trips can take place in New Mexico, Colorado, or Utah! We take care of all the details for you and include a guide to lead your trip. We plan all the activities and itineraries of your trip, provide all your gear, pack your meals, and make sure your family can enjoy an adventure of a lifetime without the stress of planning your outdoor adventure.

  • Ideal for: Families or groups of multiple families 
  • Ages: 8+
  • Group Size: 4-13 people
  • Packages: 4-5 days
  • Starting at: $200/person per day for minimum of 4 people 

Thank you Wilderness Trek for the adventure of a lifetime! In a world that is so easily lost in the hustle and bustle of life, what a blessing this trip was for our family.

We will reap the benefits for years to come . . .

What an amazing organization! We have been impressed from beginning to end!

It is easy to see the hand of God at work and working through you all!

                                                                                                                                                                             – Family from Texas 


Enthusiastic. Energetic. Inspiring. And SUPER Fun.

Our staff is made up of experienced and fun wilderness guides who are also serious about your safety and spiritual growth. Each day they demonstrate their passion for serving Jesus Christ through leading by example with a cheerful demeanor in all surroundings. All of our staff are trained in both wilderness travel and spiritual leadership, ensuring your experience on and off the mountain are unmatched.

What’s at Stake . . .

 Screen Time

The average teen spends almost 8.5 hours a day staring at a screen. That’s about 60 hours a week, and doesn’t include school & homework! Studies show just an hour a day spent on smartphones increases the risk of anxiety and depression.

Anxiety & Depression

Anxiety is the most common psychological disorder in the US, affecting nearly 1/3 of adolescents and adults. Approximately 13.3% of teens experience a diagnosed major depressive episode. For undiagnosed, research shows that nearly all teenagers feel stressed regularly.


Inside Too Much

The average person now spends 93% of their time indoors. A majority of Americans (58.8%) indicated that they spend one hour or less per day outdoors and more than a third (37.4%) are getting 30 minutes or less. Young people aged 18–24 years were significantly more likely to spend 30 minutes or less per day outdoors.

There’s Good News . . .

Spiritual Connection

From the beginning of time, God wanted to spend time with us in His creation (Gen 3:8). When people needed to hear from God and connect with Him, they encountered him in the wilderness and nature. (i.e. Jacob, Moses, Joshua, David, Elijah, etc). When Jesus wanted to connect with His Father or escape crowds, He went to a garden, a mountain, the sea. 

Less Stress

Spending time in nature has been shown to lower levels of cortisol, the body’s primary stress hormone. Sunlight boosts serotonin levels, a neurotransmitter associated with feelings of happiness and well-being. Even brief periods spent outdoors can result in a noticeable uplift in mood and energy levels, making nature a natural antidepressant.


 Good for You

Studies show that people who went on a 90-min walk through a natural environment reported lower levels of rumination (repetitive thought focused on negative aspects of self) and showed reduced neural activity in an area of the brain linked to risk for mental illness. Research has found that experiencing awe, such as one might feel while immersed in a lush forest or surveying a scenic mountain landscape, can encourage more generous, positive social behaviors and allow people to focus on something bigger than themselves.

What they said this summer . . .

It was really cool because I was able to hangout on a deeper level with my friends.

-Thaddeus from Oklahoma

I’m 53yrs old. I came along on this Trek, as I did on the last one, to see my son become the man that he is becoming in age and faith. I received and witnessed so much more in him and myself and in the rest of the group. I feel very blessed to have been a part of it all. Look forward to the next trip. Your organization is truly amazing to provide such an experience for all. Thank you.

-Michael from Arkansas

We heard more words from some of our students over these 4 days than we did the entire year.

-Youth leader from Kansas

I felt less anxious without the barrage of emails, texts, posts, etc., it was much easier to be in the moment rather than focused on responding and meeting the demands of others’ on my time.

-Valerie from Iowa

Clarity was accomplished by unplugging to the world and continuously reading the word while being challenged… He reminded me just to be.

-Michael from Texas

It was amazing. Solo time on the rest day was the best way for me to connect with God more.

-Addison from Oklahoma

Faith based adventures since 1976.

Change lives.

Enable Transformational Encounters. Help Get More People Outdoors.

In today’s world, being a teenager is more difficult than ever… which means outdoor ministries like Trek are needed now more than ever.  

Your financial support helps people “disconnect to reconnect” and unplug from the pressures of this world. A Trek trip may be the only way some find quiet and stillness and find the Lord their Shepherd leading them to “…rest in green meadows, …beside peaceful streams” (Ps 23 NLT).

And your support provides more encounters with a living God and a loving Savior to more people through adventure… partner with us in ministry, donate today!